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Free Unlock CDMA GSM for all Realme OPPO And 3G 4G Setting Access Point

Free Unlock Cdma for all Realme OPPO

How to Unlock Realme OPPO Phones Easily

Unlock CDMA  Realme RMX1901
Unlock CDMA  Realme RMX1971 
Unlock CDMA  Realme RMX1931
Unlock CDMA  Realme X2 RMX1991
Unlock CDMA  Realme X7 5G RMX2176
Unlock CDMA  Realme Q2 Pro 5G RMX2173
Unlock CDMA  Realme V5 5G RMX2111
Unlock CDMA  Realme Q2 5G RMX2117
Unlock CDMA All Realme
All Realme Unlock
3G 4G Setting Access Point Yemen mobile for Realme 
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فك شفرة هواتف ريلمي 
كيفية فك شفرة جميع هواتف الريلمي
كيفية تشغيل شريحة اليمن موبايل لهواتف ريلمي
فك شفرة هاتف ريلمي يمن موبايل
فك شفرة هاتف ريلمي CDMA
تفعيل اعدادات الثريجي يمن موبايل لهاتف ريلمي

This models have been Unlock CDMA
Most of the models kill the device by rooting the device,
and some need to decrypt the bootloader and the root

The first method

Now to Unlock CDMA use a program
Then do a word search MBN and choose

Free Unlock Cdma for all Realme OPPO

And then choose from a list
Config Options 3HK_Commercial_HongKong
Free Unlock Cdma for all Realme OPPO

Finally, the device will reboot, and thus the network was turned on CDMA

The second method

Now you need to unlock the bootloader via DeepTesting, Download Here
then enter the device into Fastboot mode 
and execute the following command :

 Fastboot flashing unlock

Now the phone is unlocked with the bootloader,
Then download the special TWRP recovery and
flash the phone via the following command :

Fastboot flash recovery recovery_twrp .img

Then download the root of the phone adapter,
and finally, do the first method

اعدادات الثريجي اضافة نقطة الوصول

Yemen Mobile


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Yemen Mobile


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